Zachęcamy obywateli Ukrainy do zapoznania się i wypełnienia anonimowej ankiety. Niniejsza ankieta ma na celu poznanie potrzeb obywateli Ukrainy, którzy przyjechali na teren Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej po 24 lutego br., ich obecnej sytuacji rodzinnej i materialnej, a także planów na przyszłość.
Szczegóły dot. ankiety znajdują się w poniżej:
The online survey will capture the experiences and views of all adults and their children who left Ukraine to come to the EU to escape the war.
The questions cover a wide range of issues: access to employment, education, housing, healthcare, language learning and other issues affecting social and economic integration.
It is carried out in ten EU Member States: Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain.
The survey can be accessed by clicking on the following links and will remain open for about a month: (English) (Ukrainian) (Russian)
The findings will guide the Agency’s advice to the EU and host countries as they finetune their support. FRA will publish the findings of the survey in 2023.
The survey is part of a range of FRA activities looking into the war’s fundamental rights implications in the EU.